Foundation Course:
On Site and Distance Learning
In order to understand what Waldorf education is attempting to accomplish, one needs to know about some of the basics concerning anthroposophy and the understanding of human development and the world it presents. This is why Micha-el Institute students begin their studies with the Foundation Course, unless they have completed a similar course elsewhere.
Our Foundation Course, taught on-site in the Portland, Oregon area or as distance learning through Zoom, is a one-year course with weekly classes (lectures and discussions, and artistic activities) held during the school year plus a 4-day, on-site summer conference. There are almost no out-of-class assignments for the Foundation Course, but students are able to speak individually with an assigned mentor at least twice.
The school year classes meet on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30pm PST, organized into 7 blocks of 4 classes each, 28 classes all together. Each block has its own theme: Child Development, An Overview of Spiritual Science (Anthroposophy), Festivals and Storytelling, The Basics of Early Childhood, Eurythmy and Goethean Science or Three-folding, and Art in the school. Classes cover fundamental and essential elements of Rudolf Steiner’s education and anthroposophy. This is an ideal course for those who want to start or enhance their journey with this education.
The 4-day Foundation Summer Conference is held in person in the Portland, Oregon area, usually in August, which can be attended before or after the school year classes. Or, in the midst of them, if a student joins the Foundation Course after the beginning of the school year and finishes the classes in the following school year, which some students do. The Foundation Summer Conference can also be attended without joining the Foundation Course. (Click here to learn more about this year’s Foundation Conference).
1 Year Program cost: $1,500